Chapter 1: Lonely & Longing

Chapter 1.png

In which much is introduced and revealed, including why I think my singledom is my fault, all the couples I’ve ever shipped, my great-grandma’s hot take on erotic novels, and the age-old question of whether my hopes are too high.

“If it’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, then it’s also a universal truth that a single woman in the same damn position can’t find a husband to save her life.

I hate to start out with a complaint, but there you have it. I’ve been single—well and truly, somewhat egregiously—for over 8 years. And while I’m not in possession of a fortune akin to Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy, to quote an artist for our times, “If I were a man, I’d be the man.” That’s Taylor Swift.”


Chapter 2: Proms & Palpitations


Coming Soon!