Chapter 3: Exes & Existential Crisis

In which I get the puppy from hell, quit my job, lose friends, run out of money, get back together with an ex, and clearly succeed spectacularly at adulthood.

“The day after I broke up with Stephen I found myself at a weird, almost certainly haunted old hotel in DC with six middle-aged women, there to celebrate my mom’s birthday. The Mansion on O street is kitschy to say the least – it’s part rummage sale, part Alice in Wonderland. There are secret passageways and rooms hidden behind mirrors, and stacks upon stacks of books and knickknacks. Almost everything in sight is for sale.

 It’s a place you could easily see yourself disappearing; as if behind a secret curtain there’s a portal to another dimension. Maybe you step beyond the veil for a few minutes, only to walk back through to find a year has gone by in the real world. I wasn’t opposed to the idea.”


Chapter 4: Signs & Synchronicity


Chapter 2: Proms & Palpitations