Chapter 4: Signs & Synchronicity

Chapter 4.png

In which I question the existence of God, flirt aggressively with a boy dressed as Jesus, get stalked by Sting, and develop remarkably witch-like powers.

“I grew up going to the Methodist church in our town. My mom first enrolled me in preschool there, and then eventually my parents started taking my little brother and I to church and Sunday school every weekend.

 What stands out about it isn’t God, but much more earthly things—the basement with its comforting, musty old coffee smell; the closets in the entryway that were built in the 1800s, where I was convinced a secret passageway might open if you pressed the right panel; singing Silent Night on Christmas Eve, the nave lit by nothing but candlelight; the grape juice and communion wafers that dissolved instantly in my mouth. And of course, the boys. Well, one boy in particular—Nathan.”


Chapter 5: Highlands & High Expectations


Chapter 3: Exes & Existential Crisis